The India and South Asia Fields are working with SANBC and the EURASIA Education Council and in compliance with the EURASIA Regional Sourcebook for Ministerial Development in regards to Continuing Education. Tracking and reporting of Lifelong Learning proves to be a challenge in a decentralised system, and districts need to understand their role in organising and facilitating opportunities for continuing education of their pastors. Districts host ‘Pastors’ Prayer Days’ on a regular basis. These gatherings provide opportunity for lifelong learning, as do various development seminars and workshops offered on the districts in relation to the delivery of courses to SANBC students. This exposes pastors who have long been in the ministry, but have not had the benefit of SANBC curriculum to share in a learning community. The focus is on spiritual formation in the ministry and leadership development for ministers.
SANBC in partnership with the districts of India and South Asia, provided courses necessary for those who have been ordained in older models to ensure highest possible standards in ministerial preparation.